High points in anthropology
Kumpulan esai klasik dalam sejarah pemikiran antropologis, berisi beberapa tulisan oleh ahli teori di antaranya Herbert Spencer, Lewis Henry Morgan, Emile Durkheim, dan lain-lain. Cocok sebagai buku teks untuk mahasiswa antropologi. Teori antropologi terdiri dari evolusionis, difusi, fungsionalis dan strukturalis. Asal muasal buku ini adalah saat Glazer dan Bohannan melaksanakan tugas membaca tulisan-tulisan penting dalam sejarah antropologi.The evolution of society / Herbert SPencer ; Ancient Society / Lewis Henry Morgan ; Primitive Culture / Edward Burnett Tylor ; The limitations of the comprative method of anthropology, the methods of ethnology / Franz Boas ; Eighteen Professions / Alfred Louis Kroeber ; The determinans of culture / Robert H. Lowie ; The status of linguistics as a science / Edward Sapir ; The relation of habitual thought and behavior to language / Benjamin Lee Whorf ; The integration of culture / Futh Fulton Benedict ; Status and role, Culture and normality / Ruth Fulton Benedict, The technique of psychodynamic analysis / Abram Kardiner ; Rules for the explanation of social facts, Elementary forms of the religious life / Emile Durkheim ; Gifts and return gifts / Marcel Mauss ; The froup and thge individual in functional analysis / Bronislaw Malinowski ; On the concept of function in social science, On social structure / A. R. Radcliffe-Brown ; The concept and method of cultural ecology ; The symbol: the origin and basis of human behavior, Energy and the evolutin of cultre / Leslie A. While ; Social anthropology: past and present / E. E. Evans-Pritchard ; Social structure, The structural study of myth / Claude Levi-Strauss ; Evolution: specific and general / Marshhall D. Sahlins
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